Children’s Eyewear

Eyewear for Children

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Ensure your child has regular examinations

It is important that regular sight examinations become part of your child’s routine healthcare.  Many problems such as a “lazy eye” or “squint” can be treated simply and quickly in children before they become permanent.

Children’s eyewear comes in a huge array of shapes, styles and colours so whether your little person is wearing glasses for the first time, or whether they are an expert in eyewear, we will have something to fit and please them.

Protection from the sun

It is really important that our children protect their eyes against the damaging effects of Ultra Violet light.  You would not let your child go out all day in the sun without sun screen, so the eyes should be protected in the same manner as the skin.

We have a fantastic range of sunglasses for children of all ages.  Whether they need sunglasses for sporting activities or just for leisure, we will have something to suit them which, most importantly, will give them maximum protection.